Going green, helps you save green.
Installation of solar panels (a photovoltaic or PV system) can produce numerous benefits to a household, ranging from lowered and secured energy costs to reduced environmental impact. The distributed nature of solar power provides maximum production at times of peak demand.
The exact savings you will see with solar depends on the following:
Electricity consumption Solar energy system size
Whether you purchase or lease your system
Direct hours of daily sunlight size and angle of roof
Local electricity rates
A solar electric system provides an opportunity for anyone who is looking to reduce monthly utility bills and make a long-term, low-risk investment.
*speak with your tax professional to find out if you would be eligible for the solar ITC.
RISING COST OF UTILITY RATES: Historic electric utility rates in the midwest have been lower than other parts in the country. However, as the cost of electricity has increased above an average of $0.13/kWh range, there has been an increased demand to help control the rising cost of electricity. Our solar analysis will take into account your current rate to help you estimate your savings.
GOOD FOR THE PLANET: When you use renewable solar energy to meet your energy needs, you reduce the demand for electricity from your utility. As a result, your utility plant emits less carbon when producing the power needed to meet customer demand. Each kilowatt-hour (kWh) of solar that is generated will substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions like CO2, as well as other dangerous pollutants such as sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides and particulate matter. Solar also reduces water consumption and withdrawal.
POSSIBLE INCREASED HOME VALUE: Solar (PV) Systems are viewed as upgrades, like a renovated kitchen or a finished basement, so purchasing a solar energy system will likely increase your home’s value. Studies** show that homeowners pay a premium for a solar home; one study showed that on average, solar increased the value of a home by about $15,000, other sources show an average increase of 4% of the homes value. Although housing and other market factors like electricity rates and system size may impact the size of the premium, solar homes can sell for more than homes without PV, and typically sell quicker than comparable homes without solar energy systems.
Do you own your home? Why not own your power? Helio GreenTech helps homeowners become power owners as well, making your power bill an asset rather than a liability. Go solar today and start owning your power and let your home go to work for you.
Financing is the most common way to purchase panels for your home. After your custom system is installed, you pay a monthly payment comparable to prior utility payments while you build equity in your solar energy system.
"Missouri has more than 200 sunny days per year, for an average of 4.5 to 5.0 kilowatt hour per square meter per day, according to the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s (NREL) solar maps.
Missouri’s solar resources actually exceed those of Germany, which leads the world in solar energy production on less than three kWh per square meter per day." visit energy.mo.gov for more information.
**Learn more about how solar panels increase property values:
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy: Solar and Real Estate
SunShot Programs: Bring Solar Energy Basics to Real Estate Pros
EnergySage: Solar Panels Increase Property Values
New York Times: Appraising solar energy's value: Solar panels and home values
Zillow Research: Homes with solar panels sell for 4.1% more By Sarah Mikhitarian on Apr. 16, 2019